
“She is here. Born yesterday at 11.50pm, weighing 7lb 6oz. She was born quickly; the whole labour was 3.5hours with active labour lasting for an hour and with no midwives there. It was perfect.

Cathryn, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for us. You have been an amazing support and I can’t imagine what I would have done without you.”

I had been seeing this lovely young mother for pregnancy support from 32 weeks onwards and it was a real privilege to be able to provide a safe place for her to facilitate the birth that she planned for. This was her second baby and as she had previously completed a Hypnobirthing Training course with her first child, she knew that her body and baby would know exactly what it needed to do when the big day came along.

As her due date approached she knew that her baby was not ready to be born yet, however for the last couple of weeks of her pregnancy she struggled with pressures from her hospital and midwives. They were suggesting her baby was small and that if she went over her due date then they may insist that she would have to birth her baby in hospital, rather than supporting her for the home birth she had planned for.

As her due date came and went she was told by her midwife to make an appointment for a membrane sweep, but she was still convinced that the baby was not ready. She stayed at home, grounded herself, rested, relaxed and enjoyed herself, and practised all the techniques she had learned in the training course. During this time she also continued to see me for treatment sessions where I provided a safe space for her to work through her anxiety and helped to reassure her that she had chosen the right path.

Treatments received: Reflexology, Hypnobirthing Refresher & General Pregnancy Support (July 2019)

“Thank you for all that you taught us in hypnobirthing. You gave me such confidence and power. I still can’t believe the birth we achieved, and look back on it all with such positivity and joy.

It was an experience we shall never forget. Our daughter is so calm because she came into the world in this way too!”

— KG Hypnobirthing client (February 2020)

“Cathryn, you must have been my lucky charm as I went into labour Saturday night! Baby born this morning at 4am. We're both doing well and I had my pool birth with no pain relief! Not even gas and air.

I want to say thank you for teaching me hypnobirthing. I really believe it made a difference not only for labour but for life.”

— KG Hypnobirthing client (April 2021)

“With my birth plan out the window, I just held onto the fact that we’d done everything we could and closed my eyes. My panic was intense but I just focused on my breathing and within 45 minutes my husband had our little boy in his arms.

I can honestly say it was the hardest day of my life, but we are both ok. I still believe in hypnobirthing so deeply and learnt so much.”

I had been seeing this woman and her husband for a virtual course of KG Hypnobirthing since she was 26 weeks pregnant. She was 40 years old and pregnant with her first child, but had experienced no issues with fertility, despite being an older-than-average first time mother. Whilst I don’t usually disclose the age of my clients, I think it’s important to highlight how age often becomes a factor in the care and advice you receive from your midwife when you are pregnant and over the age of 35. This can create unnecessary feelings of anxiety with expectant mothers and is something that a course of KG Hypnobirthing can really help with.

As my client reached the 39th week of her pregnancy she was asked by her hospital to come in for an induction in order to artificially start labour. Using the techniques she had learnt with me during the hypnobirthing course she considered her options with her husband and decided to decline the induction and wait for labour to begin naturally.

When she passed 40 weeks she reached out to me for advice and reassurance, and I was able to share with her some shiatsu pressure points for her to massage whilst relaxing at home. These points can be used under supervision from a trained shiatsu practioner and can often help to stimulate labour.

The pressure points seemed to have done the trick as the following day her surges began. After initially labouring at home, the couple headed into hospital to find she was 2cm dilated and the baby was doing well. Some hours later, her labour had stalled and she was asked by her caregivers to consider proceeding with a caesarean section. Once again, using the techniques she had learnt during the hypnobirthing course, she discussed the options with her husband and together they agreed to proceed. She was also able to use the breathing techniques she learnt in the course to help her in the operating theatre.

As this story shows, Hypnobirthing is an invaluable resource to prepare expectant mothers for the birth process, regardless of whether their baby is born with or without medical intervention.

Treatments received: KG Hypnobirthing (March 2021)

“Since we saw you for cranial sacral therapy I’m sure my daughter is doing better. Still a bit grumbly but seems happier going to sleep.

Thank you so much again”

— Mother & Baby Cranial Sacral Therapy client (August 2020)

“Our daughter went to bed so calmly and in minutes tonight! Why didn’t I bring her sooner?! Thank you so much.”

— Mother & Baby Cranial Sacral Therapy client (December 2020)

“Thank you so much for everything. it was such a special experience. I was so relaxed and positive about going into labour. Your reflexology was absolutely wonderful. Thank you for helping bring our baby into the world.”

— Reflexology client (March 2018)