Cathryn Rae
My therapeutic journey over the last 28 years has been inspiring; never did I think that an interest I had back then would evolve to where I find myself today.
After the birth of my third child in 1993 my mother in law gave me a book called ‘The Fragrant Pharmacy’ by Valerie Ann Worwood, which first opened my eyes to the world of aromatherapy and holistic therapy. It was this illuminating book that inspired me to retrain as an alternative body therapist and undertake a diploma in Anatomy and Physiology alongside body massage in 1994, and then courses in Aromatherapy and Reflexology soon after.
The courses I selected were all to the International Therapeutic (ITEC) standards recognised worldwide, and required me to follow stringent protocols and build up a comprehensive set of ‘case histories’ by working with private clients. This is where I built up my practice and client base, each week visiting BUPA Nursing homes; in Beauty Salons and Health Clinics; and clients in their own homes. I had some truly great moments and was fortunate to work with people of all ages and health conditions, who all had different needs. The feedback I received from them was that I made a huge difference their lives, and this encouraged me to continue with my journey and expand my knowledge base further.
In 2003 I completed a five-year Diploma in Shiatsu, and quickly introduced the concepts into my treatments. This qualification provided me with the training to broaden my practice further to encompass a range of disciplines including, Sports Injuries; Structural Misalignment and Correction; Shin Tai; Central Channel; Moxabustion; CV/ Hara; Pregnancy and Childbirth; Hip Releasing; and, of course Shiatsu. During this time, I also worked for three years as a teaching assistant at the British School of Shiatsu-Do.
I qualified as a Cranio Sacral Therapist in 2014, undertaking additional specialist modules in Pregnancy, Childbirth and Women’s Health. Over the years these are the areas of my practice that I am particularly passionate about, and I feel privileged to be able to provide a safe space and additional support to women. After more and more of my clients were turning to me for support during their pregnancies I decided to become a KG Hypnobirthing teacher in 2018 so that I could increase the range of assistance I was able to provide. It is a real honour to teach and support the next generation.
In 2015 I opened my own dedicated treatment room in Ingatestone where I am able to give unique attention to my clients to accommodate their individual needs, drawing upon my extensive experience and multi-faceted techniques within each treatment.