Cranio Sacral Therapy
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle non-invasive therapy that is suitable for everyone, from new born babies to the elderly. It is a type of bodywork that helps to relieve compression held anywhere in the body that causes pain, discomfort and immobility. By gently holding the structures where the tension is felt, space returns to the area, relieving the tension that has been stuck there for a while.
During a session the practitioner is able to instinctively sense where the tension is held and what needs attention first. So for example, although you may have come to an appointment with lower back pain, by treating and releasing the shoulder first it will have a profound effect on stiffness in the back.
This therapy uses only gentle pressure and that in turn helps stimulate the cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system. It can relieve compression in the head, neck and back as well as soothe pain in muscles. It supports emotional trauma, physical stress and tension, and is also thought to restore cranial mobility and ease restrictions of the head neck and nervous system.
One Hour Treatment £60.00
Cranio Sacral Therapy for Babies and Children
Cranio Sacral Therapy has a good reputation for its effectiveness in helping with many of the ailments of young babies and children. Mothers and fathers often bring along babies for treatment, suffering from colic, sleeping trouble and digestive problems.
Many women and their partners appreciate skilful and sympathetic support, both at these stages and as their children grow older. Parenting a child can be a challenging time as many new situations are encountered. Cranio Sacral Therapy has been a valuable resource for parents and their children over many years.
From the moment of conception, a child’s life is a whirlwind of change and development. These many changes bring along their own challenges and it can be helpful to have a range of supportive “tools” to address the issues.
Cranio Sacral Therapy is one such tool and is ideal for babies and children since the touch is extremely gentle and is carried out fully clothed. The treatment develops out of what the practitioner feels in the client – so the client, of any age, totally directs the session. This is vitally important when working with a child who may understandably have little control over some aspects of their life and wellbeing.
Cranio Sacral Therapy enables babies and children to begin the important process of being aware of, and responsible for, their own physical and emotional health. It can also enable the child to relax and enjoy life for the first time, particularly if they had a stressful birth. It is not necessary for words to be used to convey how the treatment is being experienced, so it is ideal for babies and children with no, or limited speech.
Treatment Cost £POA
What does a Cranio Sacral Therapy treatment involve?
I will ask you to lie down on the treatment table and/ or body cushion. You will remain fully clothed during the treatment so please wear comfortable clothes.
I will first encourage you to settle for a few minutes and ask you to take a few deep breaths in through your nose. With the lightest of touch I will contact your body and begin to listen to the rhythms’ of your breathing. Depending on your symptoms, I may begin at either the head, feet or near the middle of your body.
If there is a restricted flow of energy I might re-position your limbs. I will continue to listen to your body until something draws my attention. Then continue on to different parts of your body to release tension and complete the process.
How long will the treatment take?
The treatment takes one hour and begins with a verbal consultation to establish any symptoms and to take a full medical history, followed by the massage.
What conditions respond well to Cranio Sacral Therapy?
Conditions that respond particularly well to cranio sacral therapy include:
Migraines and headaches
Sinus and ear infections
Neck Pain, TMJ compressions and whiplash
Constipation and IBS
Trauma recovery
Pregnancy support
Babies – colic, birth trauma
How can Cranio Sacral Therapy help with pregnancy?
Cranio sacral therapy has a good reputation for its effectiveness in helping women in pregnancy and for many of the ailments of young babies and children. This gentle treatment can ease backache, improve digestive problems of pregnancy and give the expectant mother much-needed relaxation.
What does the treatment feel like?
During the treatment people are known to experience different sensations. These can include:
Deep relaxation
Falling asleep and later recalling memories of different colours
Sensing pulsations
Pins and needles
Hot or cold sensations
How will I feel after my treatment?
Reactions can include the following:
A feeling that you have been listened to for the first time in years.
Inner peace
A sense of relief
Deep stillness and relaxation
Feeling whole again
Having been ‘put back together’